Swans on a stream at a hazy dawn

"Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway."
- Mary Kay Ash
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"Nothing is interesting if you're not interested."
- Helen MacInness
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"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
- Marie Curie

  Drawing of a wishing well

Our Donating Well totally supports this site...

Read why this site is so special to teens worldwide and why we all ask for your support to keep the dream alive.

Whatever you as a Teen need I am here to help you get it or find it.

Now because of the miracle of the Internet we can reach teens that are living in pain for so many reasons and finely do something to help them. They are reaching out to this site because it is "Free" and I answer them 24/7. Only with your help by giving me the ability to keep this site free can we reach these lost and forgotten teens. Please give whatever you can, no amount is too small. All that you give goes to keeping this site free. Let's really leave no child behind. Give today, save a child. That is the equation. Let's not fail them again. Help keep this site up for all the teens and young adults who have nowhere else to turn for many reasons.
100% of your contribution goes to helping teens and our youth get the free help they could not get otherwise.

Keep the dream alive in 2024: Contributions needed...

To all Contributors: Thank you for changing a wish into a reality...

Wrapped gift box$100.00-From one of my kids who I have had for almost seven years now. She is a successful college graduate now with a great job-Megan
Wrapped gift box$40.00-Keep up the good work!-J.
Wrapped gift box$40.00-We believe in you and have seen the miracles-Sam and Lorraine S
Wrapped gift box$30.00-I know you are blessed with a gift keep using it.-Gerrie S
Wrapped gift box$20.00-You are making a difference don't stop-Scott and Lisa S
Wrapped gift box$20.00-I have seen the results you deserve much more-Jennie Sue B
Wrapped gift box$20.00-You saved me from losing my daughter God bless you and your work-Lisa D
Wrapped gift box$20.00-Thank you for what you did for my son-John S
Wrapped gift box$10.00-I owe you so much this is all I had but it is yours-Butterfly
Wrapped gift box$10.00-Thank you I would be dead if it were not for your help.-Laura B.
Wrapped gift box$1.25-Thank you for everything this is all the money me and my parents could come up with but you have done much more for us.-Hollie and family

How to contribute to LFA

Send your gift of hope...

through PayPal:

Funds will be used towards the upkeep and running of the LFA website and its services.

Why Contribute To This Site?

We are up and running 24/7 so no youth that needs help is left behind. I envision this site to be up and running as long as I am up and running so that every cry is heard and every cry is answered. Never at any charge to the Teen or Young Adult 13 years old to 29 years old.

But I need your help. Please hear me and give whatever you can; no amount is too small just give so we can be there and always be there no matter what. I pray you hear my prayers as we are all in this together and I will do the work but I can't do it alone and without your help.

Everyone who is associated with this site works for no pay and donates their skills and time.

I have been blessed with these people donating four years of their skills, time and patience asking for nothing in return except for me to keep this site up because we have helped over a thousand teens world-wide so far.

I have helped some very troubled teens; suicidal, abused, pregnant teens, in trouble with the law, homeless and every kind of problem you can imagine that no teen should have to be facing, much less facing alone.

This world has changed and so has what our youth has to deal with during their developmental years. The Internet has become "the" place many teens of today have to turn to for positive help. Sometimes this is their last try at reaching out for help. So we need new approaches on how we help our teens. This site addresses all the issues that are affecting our society, families and young people in the 21st century. We use progressive, realistic and successful approaches and skills. This site uses my self developed Behavioral Therapy called "Life-Works".

I do not counsel I teach and have found that through teaching "Life-Rules", our teenagers are finding knowledge they never had before and this is empowering them to be able to grow, question and learn how to make decisions based on knowledge and the consequences from their decisions. From this knowledge they are able to make more informed, enlightened and less costly mistakes because they understand the process of decision making that many other generations before did not have. That is why I developed "Life-Rules" they work and you can use them for every part of your life so that you are not having to make costly mistakes until you are much older and then say "if I had only known then what I know now". Teens are very insightful and want to do what is best for themselves but they must be given the right tools to learn by. This is what Lookingforadvice.org does and the teens and young adults come back and back for more learning so they can make decisions that bring them the kind of self and life they want instead of just being depressed, frustrated and finding that they are taking the same path those before them did and didn't work.

This is the 21st Century, and things have changed. What worked before may not work anymore. I have found that out in my own life. So I studied and developed "Life-Works" and it works 100% because it matches the problem with what we each want for a solution. How much better can it get? Finally, for the first time in my life time have I found a Therapy that will actually guide me to where I want to go and who I want to be without having to make all the old mistakes along the way.
You are contributing to yourself here too as this Behavioral Therapy can and should be learned and used by adults aswell. It is worth the time and effort because you get back what you put into it.

So invest in your future, our children's future, societies future and the motivation for more therapies to come out that fit the age and situations we are living in today. Let's get to the present and realize the past is gone and a new age is here to stay with a whole new set of issues, questions, problems, challenges and a whole new life for all of us alive now and in the near future

Simply put we are "saving teens"; giving them a positive sense of self. We teach teens what they are not getting: the skills to work through their issues, how to handle their issues in a positive and productive manner and the techniques they need so that they feel "in control" instead of "out of control". This empowers them and transforms their attitudes so that they now see another option other than going towards destructive behavior.

Read some of the testimonials, click on them to read the whole letter.
Many of the teens I have helped stay in touch with me after 4 years.

I witness miracles every day from what this new Behavioral Therapy can do for all of us. Though this site focuses on Teens and Young Adults.

Learn all that "Life-Works" has to offer you; a wealth of knowledge, a lifetime of skills that you didn't know you were missing and a life filled with positive self esteem, positive self growth, a self you design yourself and a life made the way you want it. Have it all because you can with this new Therapy. You can have it all your way, no mistake about it. I have proved it and continue to prove it daily with my work with both Young Adults and Adults.

Nothing is impossible, but we cannot do it alone. We need your help. These young people are the future so please help us give teens a future and our world a healthy and positive future.


Thank You All So Much For Believing And Giving

God Bless all of you for believing in the work we do and what I teach all of the teens that reach out to us for some kind of help before they give up.

  • James G
  • Lucy C
  • Sam and Lorraine S
  • Scott and Lisa S
  • Gerrie S
  • Marc G
  • Avantika J
  • Heather H
  • Kelly C
  • Tina B
  • Sara T
  • Stacey P
  • Tasha R
  • Jenny L

These people have fought for me, built this site, run this site, stand by me, write everyone they can think of for help and contributions and most of all stand by my work and believe what I am doing on this site is much more than giving advice. The methods I use actually change lives and save lives that would otherwise be lost.

Interested in sponsoring or advertising on LFA?

If you would like to help sponsor or advertise on this site, please contact me here, sending to MaryAnne Schmittle.

This website and all material herein is property of:
Looking For Advice - a non-profit organization.
© Copyright 2001 - 2018 Looking For Advice
All Rights Reserved.
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For questions and more information about advertising and contributing to this site, please contact:
MaryAnne Schmittle
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